Delta Dental
Dental, dentist, orthodontist, dentures, crowns, braces, orthodontics, teeth, oral, preventive health, prevention
Vision coverage, glasses, contact lenses, blind, see, preventive health
Monday through Friday, 7a.m - 9p.m. CT
Calls received outside of peak hours go to our answering service, with urgent issues quickly escalated to a supervisor. Chat messages sent outside of peak hours will receive a response within 1-2 business days.
Health, injury, pain, drugs, support, advocate, advice, Cancer, oncology, cancerous, navigating, medical, health, well-being, wellbeing, wellness, coaching, prevention, preventive, workplace flexibility, flexible work, screen, screening prevention
AbbVie Vitality
Breathing, Stretching at the Office, Muscular Awakening, Seated Yoga, Micro-nap, Mindfullness, EAP, Employee Assistance Program, employee assistance, flyer, well-being flyer, well-being, wellbeing, support, WPO, Workplace, Workplace Options, help, managing life, Financial finesse, financial learning center, financial health
Employee Assistance, Resource, Assist, EAP, Alcohol and drug abuse, emotional difficulties, undue stress, marital and family conflicts, well-being, managing, support, alcohol, counseling, therapy, dependent care resources, legal consultation, financial consultation
Money, financial stress, families, budget, accounts, accounting, loss, out of pocket, dollars, Money, financial advice, budget, Enrich
M-F 8a-5p CT
Compensation, base, salary, adjustments, accident, hurt, job, guidelines, query, enquiry, workday, pay, allowance, claims, claim, reimbursement, leave, overtime, aid, grade, effective date, change, travel, traveling
(when on the AbbVie network)
Excellence awards, AEA, recognition, Globoforce, Programme de récompense de l’excellence d’AbbVie, change management, champion, champions, awards
Change Management, HR Integration, Change Champion, LTI, Long Term Incentives, AIP, Annual Incentive Plan, Communications, Etrade, incentive, award, bonus